Do you want to be part of something bigger?

Join us on a mission to empower #comunidadAPRENDO through the power of community. Together, we can create positive change and make a real difference in the lives of students and learners.

<aside> ๐Ÿ—ฃ Exploring the blockchain and its functionalities is the gateway to embracing the Web 3.0 ecosystem. That's why we're integrating incentives into our communityโ€”empowering members to engage with ecosystem functionalities, risk-free, and be rewarded for their time investment.

Expanding Educational Impact and Interoperability: From 400 to +700 Students in 2024, Including Education on Multiple Blockchains

<aside> ๐Ÿ“ฃ By joining our mission, you'll be part of a vibrant community dedicated to supporting education, fostering learning opportunities, and promoting inclusivity. Your contributions will directly impact students, as 100% of the funds donated will go towards rewarding students in their personal journey of professional growth, driven by blockchain quests.

One Step Closer to Joining the Mission ๐Ÿš€

0 - Vote for us on Project Catalyst Fund12!

We are participating in the Fund12 of Project Catalyst to finance this same proposal. You can help us by voting for it: here

Your support will make a significant difference in our efforts to create a more inclusive and empowering digital landscape. By voting for our proposal, you are endorsing our vision and contributing directly to the expansion of educational opportunities in the blockchain space. Thank you for your support and for being part of this transformative journey.

1 - Join our community of supporters

Join us by signing up through our community form and become an integral part of our journey towards educational empowerment.

APRENDO - Join the mission ๐Ÿš€

2 - Support us with ADA or Cardano native tokens donations.

Your donations are crucial for fostering education and inclusivity within our vibrant community. 100% of the funds donated will be used to reward students in their personal and professional growth through blockchain quests, directly impacting their educational journey.

Donate here:

